Dance Teacher, Choreographer, Art Consultant
Ijodee Arts

Adedayo Liadi is a freelance artiste, dance judge of international repute, teacher, choreographer, dance director, producer, Art consultant, international awards winner, the originator of Ijodee Dance Technique, Director of Ijodee Arts, Trufesta International dance festival, a member of International Dance Council CID-Paris.
He studied at Center for International Students And Scholars - A Division of International Students & Scholar Services (DISSS)-Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea. Trained at the International School of Dance And Choreography Ecole Des Sable in Senegal/France. Trained at CDC in Toulouse, CCNN in NANTES, CCN in Montpelier, Trained by Susanne Linke in Germany and at DanceWeb-Europe in Austria.auctor a ornare odio. Sed non mauris vitae erat consequat auctor eu ina.